I love Hugo (mostly because I’ve learned so much from using it), so it was a little painful to watch that the theme’s website hasn’t been updated for so long due to several external issues that popped up in the building pipeline. I know that they have a lot of work releasing Hugo so I thought that maybe it’s a good time to contribute to my beloved project and fix something I understand.

And now the site is up with fresh data, working again. That’s why I like open source and I love debugging and fixing stuff.

They say that you should not deploy to production on Friday. So I deployed Terminal.css v2 with presets on Saturday. I hope you like it. Waiting for your contribution guys!

I’m currently reading John Romero’s bio — “Life in first person”, and discovered that DOOM Ultimate Edition has a really, really cool box cover.

Only today and on Monday, all my open source stuff is free! Total discount is 0%! Get it now!

Working on the second version of Terminal.css. More granular settings to match the old Terminal Theme styling and… community presets!

What is this Zed? Just let me open my project. I don’t want to see any of this AI shit — I have turned it off in the settings… Right? We are done.

Zed if fundamentally broken

This is how all promising projects fail. You have an idea, but then the hype (and investors I guess) comes and you end up with some crap that does more than you need because “you need it anyway”. Like, no? It’s sad…

“Basically, the people who win are the people who manage to make things the most inconvenient for you” — Richard Greenblatt