
January 24, 2025

Some random notes of the passing week:

The only winning move is not to play. This is still true on so many levels. Our main problem is that we think we need to interact with things we don’t like. But the truth is that we have to. All the bullshit we are surrounded by is daunting, and it’s really hard to escape from it. People love to complicate things in favor of profit. It’s harmful, but it is what it is — it won’t change. I cope with it by reducing any necessary interaction to the absolute minimum. It helps a lot, but then you see how fucked up society we live in.
I’m thinking about deleting my X’s account. My feed only contains just a few remaining people, like John Carmack, John Romero, Jon Blow, Sam Lake, Jason Fried and maybe someone else. It’s not worth it. The only thing I’d miss is my private cybersec list…
Stop acting like a rockstar. This is what I think when I see a “performance” like the one from NVIDIA’s CEO. “Do you want my jacket?!”. Gimme a break…
Monkey see, monkey do. This thought keeps appearing this week when I read how big tech changes after Trump’s nomination. Business as usual, but this time fueled by fear.
I saw something really funny on LinkedIn, a few announcements — all written in the same manner about obtaining certain certificates, and all of them were about: AI-powered [job position], for example: AI-powered product manager. Yay #not…
And yet another golden quote: The cake is a lie. Keep it in mind!